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Western Star 4700 Model Is The Best Around!

Whenever you turn to Western Star, you can be certain that the company is cooking up another excellent model. And the 4700 is no different. Why, it’s more than great value. The truck itself gives off efficiency and maneuverability that allows for any situation to be entirely mastered without fear. And with no other adieu, we should analyze what makes this truck so great.

Western Star knows what they’re doing.

This vehicle allows for a forty-inch low roof and ultra low roof sleeper. This therefore gives off a lightweight honeycomb infrastructure. What’s more? Wabco! That’s what! The commercial vehicle comes with a radar safety system that can detect objects and alerts that drivers can utilize through an audio, physical and visual sense. This would therefore contribute to braking power. Therefore, reducing the torque which will stop and save you from collisions!

Adaptive cruise control is where the driver doesn’t have to be too concerned over fatigue on account of being able to maintain the speed set when the lanes are cleared and automatically adjusted to always follow cars ahead at a safe distance.

There are several types of engines that will go well here, including a Detroit DD13 that picks up about 350 to 505 horsepower at a rate of 1250-1850 lb-ft. There has also been involvement from Cummins, with both their L9 and the X12. These are all welcome changes that we can learn to appreciate for the Western Star 4700. Of course, there’s a variety in all the trucks seen.

There has also been a brake difference in that Wabco and air disc brakes do not get very well along, from what it looks like. Western Star knows that this vehicle can do it all. But do you? Take advantage and enjoy the 4700. You might not have too much time left to do the job well.

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