You are currently viewing Watch Out! This Western Star 4900 EX Beats The Rest In Reliability
Western Star is out with the latest and greatest of their commercial vehicles. The 4900.

Watch Out! This Western Star 4900 EX Beats The Rest In Reliability

Western Star claims that “dependability never goes out of style.” This is the case with their Western Star 4900 EX. The classic look of the commercial vehicle “screams” reliable. The 4900 is a trustworthy Western Star model after all.

What Is The Deal With this Western Star?

The Western Star 4900 is a finely-made truck. It’s cool and large! (Did we mention it’s in charge?) The rig wouldn’t be giving you trouble in any capacity for a while.

To handle the Western Star 4900 is to graze the face of God. It is with ease that you can guide the Western Star. This allows for a wonderful ride, especially on longer trips. The 4900 comes with no trouble of maintaining speeds from 90 to 100 kilometers an hour all day long. This includes going uphill and downhill. Also while carrying about 90 tons. This should be significant to you.

The rig is well-adjusted with dual seven-inch headlamps. Not to mention, a standard package with integrated air-conditioning, twin airbag cabin suspension and an overhead console. This is a build made for the professional. In which case, the 4900 has an engine that is carried high in the frame with a bonnet that can boast about a wide 90-degree angle that opens so nicely when tilting forward. Therefore, there is improved access to the fuel system, fittings and filters. Service times are therefore, very well reduced to show that you can use less downtime for maintenance. The Western Star 4900 EX comes with the Cummins or Detroit engines, while the wheelbase can reach up to 448 inches. This is a configuration that can go between 4×2 or 6×4.

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