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Volvo VNL Truck Envisions Innovation For The Long-Haul

The Volvo VNL is a remarkable new truck provided through Volvo that shows all the best aspects of the commercial auto creator. There’s plenty of fuel efficiency, safety, uptime, and driver productivity. On top of that, there are upgrades accessible with the 77-inch sleeper. For instance, why not consider the fact that this truck allows for plenty of space and storage as well as amenities to enable drivers to feel good with. That’s just a plain and simple fact. What’s more? Volvo owns up to its problems! Don’t believe me? Take a look at how their team manages and schedules repairs for your VNL 24/7.

So What Is So Good About The Volvo VNL?

Volvo is able to use number designation to show how tall their roof is and how wide it is in the sleeper. Furthermore, in models like the 740, there’s just a great indication of how the size of it is being a high-roof. Meanwhile, there’s also the 860 which possesses an 80-inch sleeper with a tall roof. With other trucks, such as the day cab, the Volvo VNL 300 is around for use.

When you look at the 740, it can replace the VNL premium mid-roof model. It’s also as capable as the 860, which is well known as Volvo and their top of the line model. The 860 is spacious and can handle a lot of room.

Each of the trucks feature a turbo compound 13-liter engine. When observing this D13 TC, you’ll notice it’s strong in two separate ratings: one being 425 horsepower with 1,750/1,450 pound-feet peak torque. And the other which was being 455 horsepower and 1,850/1,550 pound-feet torque. Together, both of these dual torque ratings show off a High-Torque or Economy estimate of how limited torque can be in the lower gears. Volvo as usual has it handled however.

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